IT PRO | DEV Connection 2020
IT PRO | DEV Connections is an event open to all technologies concerning the general IT environment by all manufacturers. This year, after 4 years in which the event was not organized, it will be virtual and it will be held on December 12 and 13, 2020.
The agenda of the event is very rich and full of interesting sessions, you will learn more about topics that you use every day rather than learn something about technologies that you don’t use yet.
Thanks to our Sponsors, the event will be free of charge for you, but registration is mandatory.
Registration is available here and the official twitter hashtag is #itprodevgreece.
Marco Obinu and I will be the Italian speakers of the conference :) and we will hold a session on Saturday December 12th.
Marco’s session will be on myth-busting Azure SQL VMs; he will discuss key aspects you should consider to perform a conscious design choice about Azure IaaS and PaaS when talking about SQL Server performance, high availability, security, licensing, and costs. When are you supposed to deploy a VM and when should you embrace the PaaS way? The answer will be done during his session!
Instead, I will talk about the necessary activities to undertake in order to perform the maintenance of databases in Azure. Azure SQL Database hasn’t got a native scheduling service comparable to SQL Agent that is present in the on-premise instances so, possible solutions will be explained and more convenient services will be described!
There will be two days of free training on the aspects and technologies most used in the following areas:
- Data & Analytics
- DevOps
- AI & ML
- Project Management
- Development
- Modern Workspace
- Infrastructure
- Networks & Security
- Learning & Certification
Do not miss, register now here!